Second Sea calculator predicts damage to global cities from rising seas

In time for the COP27 climate summit, a team of researchers led by architect Adrian Lahoud has developed an app that calculates how much coastal cities are owed in climate reparations to make up for the destruction wrought by rising sea levels.

The Second Sea calculator makes use of real-world data from 136 cities from Athens to Zhanjiang, charting what sea level rise they can expect by the end of the century.

Created in collaboration with Sudanese diplomat Lumumba Di-Aping, design studio Accept & Proceed and developer Made by On, the platform then generates an invoice showing the estimated cost of the resulting damages, which users can share on social media.

The invoice also breaks down what portion of these damages different countries across the world should have to pay, based on their contribution to climate change in the form of CO2 emissions, with the highest-emitting industrialised nations paying the most.

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Source: Designweek


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